Virtual Wellness Coaching for the woman who wants to feel at home in her body again after having kids.

Through expert-level coaching, energy practices, and devotion to the process, you can go from feeling discouraged and disconnected to REVITALIZED and COMFORTABLE in your own skin.


NASM Certified Wellness Coach

B.S. Kinesiology - Penn State

Girl, your body’s been through A LOT.

Pregnancies, births, babies, postpartum periods, menstrual cycles, hormones, the physicality of motherhood, work demands, home demands, life demands, the list goes on and on and on.

It’s not surprising that now you’re feeling HEAVY, TIRED, and DISCONNECTED most days.

You really wish to feel good in your body again.
But damn it if that doesn’t feel so hard, maybe even impossible.
You’ve tried so many things. Making time for exercise, eating a bit cleaner, eating less, a diet here or there, not eating that leftover mac ‘n cheese on the stove, drinking more water, taking more supplements… And those women on Instagram make it look so damn easy, don’t they? We know they mean well, but all the products and the exercise programs and the nutrition protocols they talk about—magnesium, colostrum, pelvic floor exercises, strength training versus HIIT versus cardio versus yoga, fasting, being well-fed, keto, whole foods— it all just leaves you feeling discouraged.

You wish you could quiet all the noise and finally find what will work for you.
Something to help you feel comfortable in your own skin.
At home in your body again.

You CAN do this. Here's how.

First, you'll define what you want. You want to feel at home in your body again. What does that mean to to you? What will that entail? We'll work that out so we know exactly where we're going.
Next, you'll release the old, stale beliefs that have been keeping you stuck—all the thoughts pinging around in your head that are no longer serving you.
Then you'll rewire new, fresh beliefs, crafting a new identity and relationship with your body. From this place, aligned behavior change can happen.
Finally, you'll GO! You'll take action that will revitalize your body and honestly, your entire life.

  • Define the desire.
  • Release the old.
  • Rewire the new.
  • Go!
  • Define the desire.
  • Release the old.
  • Rewire the new.
  • Go!

Start Here

With a Free Coaching Session

Best Time of Day for You:
What's your biggest wellness struggle right now?
0 of 350

Once you submit this form, we'll send you an email inviting you to select an appointment time. Can't wait to talk with you!

About Body Abode

Body Abode provides virtual wellness coaching to the mom who is (probably) done having kids and feeling, at best, uncomfortable in her body, and at worst, completely disconnected from it. We help her reconnect to her body’s signals, revitalize her wellness practices, and feel at home in her body once again.

The surprising thing we don't do:

We don't do what most health, wellness, and fitness coaches out there do. THEY usually start by having you quantify a goal (ex. "I want to lose 30 pounds.") and then tell you to change your environment and behaviors to reach that goal (ex. "clear out the junk food from your pantry and eat more veggies").

WE allow you to set a goal whether it can be quanitified or not (ex. "I want to lose 30 pounds and feel more grounded throughout my day.") and then we coach you through examination and rewiring of your identity and belief system. Because if your identity and belief system doesn't align with your wellness goals, you won't take the actions you need to take to reach those goals and then sustain that new reality.

What You Get With 1:1 Wellness Coaching


You'll meet with your Wellness Coach 3x per month for 50-minute, 1-on-1 client-led coaching sessions. No chit-chat, no fluff, just focused, honest help.


Your Wellness Coach will craft personalized wellness strategies to help you reach your desired outcome. These are flexible and always evolving to serve you best. No cookie cutter stuff here.


You can access your Wellness Coach via Voxer (the walkie talkie app) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. No question goes unanswered.


Your Wellness Coach will hold you capable, rather than "accountable." We're not your parent or boss, but we WILL help you become capable of feeling well again. 

What Can We Work On Together?

We believe in client-led coaching. This means exactly what it says—the client leads the coaching experience. We'll work on what YOU want to work on, not the other way around. Here are the most common wellness topics our clients come to us for. Often, we work on all of them simultaneously, and then some.


What does your ideal movement practice and rhythm look like now? What movement feels good to your body?


What food helps you feel better? What kinds of foods feel good to your body and when?


What is your ideal sleep rhythm? What's working for your sleep and what's not?

Cycle Syncing

What would it look like to sync your wellness practices to your menstrual cycle for an even greater flow and harmony in your life?

Mental & Emotional Well-Being

What can you do to become in tune with your mental and emotional states? What might you learn from them and their patterns? 

Fresh Starts

What will it feel like in three months if you decide to give yourself the gift of a fresh start today?  

Your Investment Options

best deal




Billed in 1 Payment ($1,197)

Saves $300

  • 3/mo Coaching Sessions
  • Personalized Strategy
  • Voxer Office Hours
  • Body Abode Sweatshirt
  • Body Abode Journal




Billed Monthly for 3 Months

  • 3/mo Coaching Sessions
  • Personalized Strategy
  • Voxer Office Hours

Meet Your Coach

Hey there! I'm Brit, your Certified Wellness Coach. You'll soon find out that I'm your biggest cheerleader with a deep desire to help you feel better in your body for yourself and for your family. 

I'm a wife, a mom of two, and an entrepreneur. I'm a truth-teller and a truth-seeker. I love my clients hard and often hold the vision for their success before they can see it themselves. 

Stick with me and you'll feel better soon. I guarantee it. It's what I was put on this earth to do. 


What do we do on a coaching call?

Each coaching call lasts 50 minutes and is hosted on Zoom or Facetime—your choice. I structure every call approximately the same, but everything stays flexible. The following call outline is a guide, but not a rule:

  • Get centered and focused with intentional breathing and/or a mini-meditation (5min)
  • Define the problem and the intent (10min)
    • “Here’s where I’m at and here’s where I want to be by the end of this call”
  • Release the old belief that's blocking you from success (15min)
  • Rewire the new belief (10min)
  • Design the action plan for the new behavior and/or environment adjustment needed (5min)
  • Commitment clarification (5min)
    • "By next week's call, I will have [done these things]."

I really want to lose weight. Can you help me?

If that's your goal, YES! That's the beauty of client-led wellness coaching. You decide what your goal is. Your Wellness Coach will help you strategize how to get there and 'hold you capable' of achieving that goal. 

I might not be done having kids. CAN YOU  still HELP me?

Absolutely. If you’re still on the fence about having another little one, Wellness Coaching can support you in your wellness journey between pregnancies. We will not focus specifically on fertility health, though, so please know that going in.

I have an auto-immune disease. Can you still help me?

Yes! In fact, we at Body Abode are passionate about helping those with auto-immune challenges overcome them and prevent then altogether. While we’re not physicians and will not give medical advice, we can aim to manage symptoms and work with your doctor(s) for optimal outcomes.

i’m experiencing perimenopause symptoms. can you still help me?

Yes. Body Abode can support you in your wellness journey amidst perimenopause. Please know, though, that we do not technically specialize in managing perimenopausal symptoms (yet) so if you’re looking for a coaching program that does, we can help you find one.

I’m experiencing menopause symptoms and/or post-menopausal. CAN YOU still HELP me?

No. We don’t specialize in managing menopausal symptoms (yet) but can help you find a coach that does!

I don't know what my wellness goals are yet but I think i need a coach to help me get started. Can you still help me?

THE BIGGEST YES! This is a great place to be in your wellness journey. You'll work with your Coach to craft goals that feel right to you and then work together to reach them. 

Have a question you don't see here? Email We're always happy to help.

Start Here

With a Free Coaching Session

Best Time of Day for You:
What's your biggest wellness struggle right now?
0 of 350

Once you submit this form, we'll send you an email inviting you to select an appointment time. Can't wait to talk with you!